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20. Dezember 2024 in Weltkirche, keine Lesermeinung
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Cardinal Anders Arborelius: “I am deeply grateful that we were able to acquire this fantastic church and for the trust that the [Evangelical Lutheran] Church of Sweden has shown us as a result.” By Petra Lorleberg
Stockholm (kath.net/pl) The Catholic Church in Sweden is growing. This is easy to see from the fact that the Catholic Diocese of Stockholm has now sought to take over a fourth church in the city of Stockholm. New premises were needed because the influx of Catholics from all over the world are not just nominal Christians, but often practicing believers.
It is thanks to the ecumenical goodwill of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden that once again a historic and beautiful church is changing hands in order to preserve Christianity. St. John's Church, which is located on a Stockholm hill and has a high tower, is one of Stockholm's popular landmarks. The diocese of Stockholm informed about this in a press release, which states: "The church, which was consecrated in 1890 under the leadership of Carl Möller, is a cathedral-like building with a beautiful interior in the Gothic style and has space for 900 people."
Within the responsible Evangelical Lutheran parish, this church building had become superfluous in recent years and the parish's activities had mainly shifted to another church. The diocese press release informs that "St. John's Church has instead become the seat of the Polish Catholic Mission in Stockholm. After the Russian attack on Ukraine, the church has also become a place where the Ukrainian Catholic Mission holds its services and where Ukrainian refugees have found comfort. Over the years, friendship and dialogue have developed between the St. John's Parish and the Catholic Diocese of Stockholm. The discussions that led to today's agreement were held in an atmosphere of great ecumenical friendship and goodwill."
The Catholic diocese will probably take over the church and parish hall at the end of 2025. The cemetery and bell tower will remain the property of the Evangelical Lutheran parish.
Link to the press release on the website of the Catholic Church in Sweden: Katolska kyrkan blir ny ägare av S:t Johannes kyrka i Stockholm
Photo of the interior of St. Johannes/Stockholm (c) Wikipedia/Michael Caven/CC BY 2.0
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